The map

Using the Supertrail Map

Supertrail Maps© are based on topographic maps at a scale of 1:50 000/1:25 000 and provide all the -information required for planning and undertaking a mountain bike trip.

The technical difficulty for both the uphill and downhill directions is colour-coded on a rating from one to five.

The routes in this map are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation of which routes to take. Supertrail maps only indicate the accessible trails within a region and assess the technical difficulty of individual trail sections. The condition of the trails is subject to ongoing change, so it is essential to check difficulty ratings at the locations (see advice under „Important Information“). Mountain bike tours should be planned in accordance with participants’ fitness level, biking ability and the prevailing weather conditions. When planning a route, current legal provisions and regulations must be considered. Anyone biking on a single trail does so entirely at their own risk – the publisher assumes no liability in this respect.

All the trails on this map have been biked and rated by specially trained authors. The difficulty ratings are consistent across all Supertrail Maps©. A difficulty rating always relates to an entire trail section. It should be noted that any trail section could contain short passages of greater or lesser difficulty than that expressed by the overall rating.

To become familiar with the Supertrail Maps© difficulty rating system, you should first of all ride the easier-rated trails before attempting the trails with a higher difficulty rating.

Before attempting a trail, it is always necessary to check currently applicable laws for that region. If laws are unclear or doubt exists about the legality of biking on a proposed route, access permission must be sought from the relevant landowner.




The different levels of difficulty explained in detail.

Yellow Trails

Uphill: Very simple trail which does not require particular special skills or physical fitness.  The ground is firm and stable, and the trail is level or slightly sloping.

Downhill: Very simple trail which does not require particular special skills.  The ground is firm and stable, and the trail has a slight downhill slope.

Orange Trails

Uphill: Simple trail which will pose no problem to the majority of cyclists. The ground is mostly stable, with some loose gravel. You may however encounter shallow steps and small roots. Moderate steepness, but the trail can have occasional steeper sections.

Downhill: A simple trail which will pose no problem to the majority of cyclists. The ground is mostly stable, with some loose gravel. You may however encounter shallow steps and small roots. Moderate steepness, but the trail can have occasional steeper sections. The steepness occasionally requires weight to be shifted behind the saddle.

Red Trails

Uphill:  Medium skill requirements. The ground is often soft or unstable. Larger loose stones, roots and gullies can all be encountered. You can expect small steps and slabs which need a front-wheel lift to get over. The steepness may occasionally require you to shift your weight so that the front wheel doesn‘t lift up nor the back wheel lose traction. A climb can have occasional steeper sections. 

Downhill: Medium skill requirements. The ground is often soft or unstable.  Larger loose stones, roots and gullies can all be encountered. Steps and slabs as well as steeper sections can be encountered. The steepness very often requires weight to be shifted behind the saddle. 

Violet Trails

Uphill: High skill requirements. The trail has many rocks and roots, the ground is unstable. The mountain biker can either use skill to avoid obstacles or use power to get over them. The steepness requires skilful weight positioning so that the front wheel doesn‘t lift up nor the back wheel loses traction. Occasional tight bends need very good cornering skills. Both the steepness and technical difficulties require excellent physical fitness. Skilful steering to approach in an optimal line can be crucial.

Downhill: High skill requirements. The trail has many rocks and roots, the ground is unstable. There are frequent high slabs, falling off can be dangerous.  The steepness constantly requires optimal weight positioning. Occasional tight bends need very good cornering skills. Front wheel or back wheel sideways hops must occasionally be made. Skilful steering to approach in an optimal line can be crucial.

Black Trail

Uphill: Very high skill requirements. This type of trail is strictly for total experts. The route is full of slabs, obstacles and/or demanding twisted sections. The large chain ring can occasionally be impacted. Front and back wheel lifts must often be made to get over obstacles. The ground is loose and often consists of loose scree.  Exceptional steepness requires optimal weight positioning so that neither the front wheel lifts up nor the back wheel loses traction. There may be tight hairpin bends requiring front-wheel lifts and sideways hops. Both the steepness and numerous technical difficulties require excellent physical fitness. Skilful steering to approach in an optimal line is critical.

Downhill: Very high skill requirements. This type of trail is strictly for total experts. The route is scattered with slabs, obstacles and/or demanding sections with large roots. The large chain ring can occasionally be impacted. Front and back wheel sideways hops must often be made to get over obstacles. High slabs are often encountered. The ground is loose and often consists of loose scree.  The exceptional steepness requires optimal weight positioning at all times. There may be tight hairpin bends requiring front wheel or back wheel hops. Trials riding skills are very helpful. It is difficult to keep up continuous forward momentum. There may be dangerous falls. Skilful steering to approach in an optimal line is critical.

Section where the bike has to be pushed/carried

Green: The difficulty is so severe that pushing or carrying the bike may be more efficient and safer. These sections can only be crossed with the utmost effort and trials riding skills. Continuous forward momentum is almost impossible.

Highlight trail

Cycling forbidden



Bike park / Freeride trail



Path with many walkers



Dangerous falls

Bike transport by bus/train



Bike transport by mountain rail



Drinking water



Bicycle repair










Bike guide